Together with the expertise of a Veterinarian Pet Nutritionist, we have formulated The Elimination Diet and Hypoallergenic Diet for pets with skin allergies and stomach sensitivities.
The concept behind this dietary process is that you begin by feeding your pet The Elimination diet for a strict 4-6week period. Here you will eliminating what you pet maybe allergic to or have a sensitivity to proteins and grains.
After this period, it is recommended to proceed to the next stage of the dietary process-The Hypoallergenic Diet.
This next stage is a complete diet which has added vitamins and minerals. This diet will allow your pet to maintain and help control their allergies or sensitivities.
We have two protein varieties of the diet – Horse Meat and Sweet Potato and Kangaroo Meat and Sweet Potato. This is all prepared for you packed conveniently in 600gms containers frozen ready to thaw and feed to your pet.
You can also purchase single proteins and prepare the recipe yourself, this way is very economical.
Bulk purchase and save. Check our website for more details.
It is advised to select one form of protein during this process.
There are antihistamines which can be used to settle and comfort your pet. These can be recommended by your vet.
There are many ways to help control the allergies during the spring and summer months when the allergies are at their worst.
- Wiping your pet down from head to toes with dog wipes/baby wipes (sensitive wipes are recommended) this helps lift the pollens, dirt and sand off their coat and skin. Alleviating any residue which may irritate your pet.
- Using good quality soap free shampoos and conditioners.
- Healthy feeding your pets makes a big difference, try and stay away from highly processed wet/dry foods. Refer to our website for dietary recommendations.
- Adding essential vitamins and minerals. Omega Oils are also good to add, pending on your pet’s allergies.
- Which Omega oils to add check with your vet.
- Brushing your pet helps as well, this gets rid of loose fur which could make them scratch more than usual.
- If your pet has fleas, treat them with a recommended flea treatment product this kills the fleas and helps prevent flea dermatitis. Some pets are also allergic to mosquitos and other insects there are treatments available, check with you vet.
Always remember your vet is there for you and we can guide you through your pet’s dietary requirements and other helpful hints during the allergy season.